Menstrual cycle and exercise performance

Menstrual cycle and exercise performance

The effect of the menstrual cycle on exercise performance The effect of the menstrual cycle (MC) on exercise is a topic attracting attention from professional athletes and people in general. Performance during exercise is believed to be impacted by the fluctuating...
Rapamycin – disputed potential longevity drug

Rapamycin – disputed potential longevity drug

You might have heard that some people take a drug called rapamycin to decrease their biological aging processes. However, rapamycin is still mainly in the preclinical stage of development for longevity intervention, and potential side effects and long-term effects in...
Epigenetics, DNA methylation and aging

Epigenetics, DNA methylation and aging

Epigenetics, DNA methylation and its connection with aging Throughout history, people have been curious about what makes us human. According to social scientists, our environments shape or nurture who we are. On the other hand, biologists would argue that everything...
NMN – The debated longevity drug

NMN – The debated longevity drug

New study on the debated longevity drug NMN (NAD+ booster) Among various anti-aging health products, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been gaining attention as a promising anti-aging product (1). NMN is currently being sold as a food product, however, the US Food...
Thyroid dysfunction – causes and symptoms

Thyroid dysfunction – causes and symptoms

Do you have one or more of the following symptoms? Anxiety Tiredness Fatigue Trouble sleeping Cold intolerance These are all common symptoms if you are feeling stressed or due to the winter blues caused by the long cold winter in Sweden. But it may also be something...